La Misión inscription

Discover the La Mision Inscription system, an innovative platform designed to streamline the registration process for the La Mision trail race in Argentina.

Real Work

La Misión Inscription

Explore the robust and user-friendly La Misión Inscription system, designed to simplify the registration process for 'La Mision' trail race in Argentina.

I was selected to develop this system due to my technical expertise, adaptability in meeting client requirements, and dedication to delivering beyond expectations.

Technical Overview

The La Misión Inscription system showcases a blend of modern technologies and intuitive design, ensuring a smooth and secure registration experience. Here are the technical details:

Technology Stack

  • React with Vite: The frontend is built with React and Vite, offering a fast and responsive user interface.

  • Node.js with Express: The backend is powered by Node.js and Express, providing a robust server-side framework for handling various functionalities.

  • MySQL: A reliable database system that efficiently manages user data, registration details, and payment records.

Key Features

  • Secure Login/Registration: The system includes comprehensive login and registration functionalities, complete with validations and password recovery options.

  • Payment Integrations: Multiple payment gateways such as PayPal and Mercado Pago are integrated to offer users flexible payment options.

  • Automated Email Notifications: Users receive automated emails for various actions, enhancing communication and user engagement.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design ensures a seamless registration process, making it easy for users to sign up and participate.

Dive into La Misión Inscription's Technical Details

Discover the technical prowess behind La Misión Inscription and see how it revolutionizes the registration process for the La Mision trail race. Explore the code, understand the technologies, and appreciate the meticulous effort that went into creating this efficient registration system.